Re: [] Online ordering

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Online ordering
Date: 09:51 on 16 Mar 2006
James Bywater wrote:
> On 15 Mar 2006, at 1656, Nigel Rantor wrote:
>> In other news, my local Sainsbury's Local has me totally foxed, I  don't
>> understand the logic they use to decide what to stock.
> I normally order groceries online due to distance from the nearest  
> decent shops, and not having a car. My problem with sainsbury's is  
> things like this:
> You ordered:  5 bags of mixed nuts
> We substituted:  5 bags of chopped mixed nuts
> It was for a party! those chopped nuts are sitting in the cupboard.

Okay, that's pretty bad. Especially if you don't have a use for the 
substituted variety.

> You ordered:     Doritos 150g cheese
> We substituted: Doritos 150g original
> Not so bad but then...
> You ordered:     Kettle chips 300g plain unsalted
> We substituted: Doritos 150g cheese
> But... I thought they didn't have any cheese doritos? And couldn't  they 
> find a better match for plain unsalted crisps than doritos?

*LDNSOK* ha ha ha, okay, looks like someone with previous experience on 
government projects got the job...

Only used Tesco to deliver once. A bunch of friends were staying at a 
remote (well, half hour drive from town) farmhouse on dartmoor. The 
driver eventually found us but was quite upset by the time he got there. 
To the extent that he was bording on swearing.

I believe we did get everything we ordered though.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:02 on 18 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41