Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)
Date: 10:14 on 16 Mar 2006
On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, James Bywater wrote:

> I normally order groceries online due to distance from the nearest decent 
> shops, and not having a car. My problem with sainsbury's is things like this:
> You ordered:  5 bags of mixed nuts
> We substituted:  5 bags of chopped mixed nuts
> It was for a party! those chopped nuts are sitting in the cupboard.


I've only ordered for delivery once but I thought you could turn down the 
substitutions - I know the guy for my delivery asked me if they were 

In my delivery I had the interesting substitution of:

Ordered: Economy 10 Fish finger - out of stock
Replacement: Economy 10 Fish finger

Which was interesting.


Yes, I'm sure every 6 year old child dragging her mom thru Toys'R'us will
now be saying, "Don't buy me THAT mommy - her manufacturer supresses free
speech by threatening to persecute adult parodies of it on the web!"
  Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:02 on 18 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41