Re: [] Cookbooks on sausages/hams?

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Cookbooks on sausages/hams?
Date: 22:05 on 27 Mar 2006
On Mon, 27 Mar 2006, Richard van Oorschot wrote:

>> it has to be said i read that section the other day aswell after having
>> looked at since i was thinking baout getting
>> a mincer anyway. hmm mincers.
> That's what got me started, buying a real Porkert (tm) nr 5 mincer at the
> end of last year. It's a miracle of old Czech technology, just well fitting
> steal and raw human power combined to make good mince. Finally I'm rid of
> the rubbish shops sell as mince. But now I'm dreaming of homecured chorizo
> and other wonderful animal remains goodness.

I was looking at mincers the other day after discovering that 250g opork 
belly is barely enough to get the butcher's industrial mincer to start 

My only concern is cleaning them - how easy are they to take apart/wipe 
down/other method of cleaning that escapes me?

I have a rocking cook shop down the road with a selection of big chunks of 
metal with handles attached...


I'd tell you what kind of biscuits he'd prefer, but if I don't it at least
gives them a conversational gambit if he says yes to the tea, and it'll 
keep some mystery in their life if he declines.
  Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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