Re: [] Sweet potato chips

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Sweet potato chips
Date: 10:38 on 31 Mar 2006
On 31/3/2006, "Richard van Oorschot" <> wrote:

>I don't have too much (well, any) experience with sweet potato chips, but
>what I've always learned from my father the cook, is that the way to get the
>best (tm) potato chips is to prebake them at 140C, let them cool, and just
>before serving rebake them at 180C until crisp. The idea behind this being
>that you can't get them cooked before they've all burnt up at a high
>temperature, but they will just get soggy if you only cook them at low
>temperature. This might work with sweet potato too, as it also has a very
>high starch content. Let us know!

Yeah that's my next approach, to try and dry them out a bit.  Sweet
potatoes have quite a bit more water content than potatoes.  You can
quite easily make them into crisps, but I want chunky chips!

There's stuff above here

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