Re: [] Sushi Grade Tuna

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Sushi Grade Tuna
Date: 10:15 on 20 Jun 2006
On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 10:12:16AM +0100, me said:
> I was at Steve Hatt's fishmongers on Essex Road on Saturday and noticed 
> that they sell sushi grade tuna including, if I'm not mistaken, Otoro. I 
> think there may have been sushi grade Salmon as well.

For what it's worth this was for a barbeque  - I picked up 2lbs of inch 
long raw, headless, shell on prawns for about 8 quid and marinaded them 
in the classic garlic, chilli and coriander and did them on skewers.

I also bought 3 large (foot long) cleaned Mackerel for about the same 
and sliced them open a bit further and stuffed them with Maldon Sea Salt 
and rosemary leaves. 

Both were awesome and easier to cook than the traditional sausage, 
chicken and burgers.

Generated at 00:00 on 21 Jun 2006 by mariachi 0.41