::scr long waffley post about consciousness

Richard Clamp scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 16:00:43 +0100

[NOTE: Attempting to pour oil on the waters here.  Please don't apply
a match to them or this *will* get messy]

On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 03:44:00PM +0100, Richard Marr wrote:
> >  I know Simon managed to leave the specified topic of ::scr 
> > completely vague when he started it, but also threatened that 
> > anything off topic would be kicked, but I never expected 
> > anything like this to carry on so long.
> It's been oooo... a couple of hours since the thread started. Truly 
> epic.

Back on the ranch we measure thread length in terms of messages/bytes
expended, not time.  This so far is one of the longer threads,
especially if you see it as a continuation of the meta-art one we had

> > I should just ignore it, given that I can't agree with the 
> > second line of your first post in this thread (hey kids; 
> > souls don't exist. tell your friends. death is not lived 
> > through) but then I was under Blackfriars when this list was 
> > started and this thread has been enough to make me want to 
> > leave I'll just post this.
> Sorry, I thought this was a forum for discussion.
> Guess not.

My reading of this: http://thegestalt.org/scr/faq.html brings strong
attention to this part

  "At least make a pretence of them being technically orientated"  

which at least to my pointer-obsessed brain this thread doesn't seem
to be hitting too squarely.

Should we be calling for an adjudication here?

Richard Clamp <richardc@unixbeard.net>