::scr Other jobs

Magnus Huckvale scr@thegestalt.org
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:41:19 +0100

> What would everyone do if it weren't for computers?

I'd be a Jedi Knight.  No, really.

Does everyone here plan on staying in computing for the rest of their lives?
Apart from the fact that in 20 years that will mean something very different
to what it does now, I don't think that I will.

One perl hacker I know used to be a teacher.  A former technical writer who
worked with my dad is now planting trees at the Eden Project.

When I'm done writing my fantasy novel I plan to sell the film rights and
buy a hotel or a restaurant... maybe.  I've also seriously been thinking
about spending some time as a buddhist monk.

and why not?  I think the idea that people follow a particular profession is
more due to necessity and tradition than people simply following their
calling.  Limiting ideas about people being stronger in 'left brain' or
'right brain' activities don't help.  Secondary schools seem to drum into us
the idea that we're either good at Sciences or the Arts.

In fact, I think quite often people simply choose the path they think can
earn them the most money, most easily.

ps sorry that was a bit disjoint, gotta run.