::scr Other jobs

Alaric Snell scr@thegestalt.org
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 15:50:34 +0100

On Friday 26 April 2002 09:14, you wrote:

> > Writing novels, technical books, or role playing games, I think.
> All of those sound like fun, too. Especially the last one. What sort of
> game would you write (actually, Al, ISTR that you already have). Would it
> be particularly tied to a single setting like Paranoia or CoC, or would it
> be a more generic system like GURPs?

I already have written a couple, but they are to be considered... 


I have bigger plans to create a game set in a single setting, which removes a 
whole load of complexities with modularity, but it's a big setting with 
superhitech starships flying around between sentient space stations and 
crashing onto planets and the occupants having to revert to savagery with 
swords and so on...

I wanna include all the different technologies I can think of, to create a 
playground where the implications of technology can be examined and toyed 
with. Neural implants, FTL travel, sentient machines, the lot.


                               Alaric B. Snell
 http://www.alaric-snell.com/  http://RFC.net/  http://www.warhead.org.uk/
   Any sufficiently advanced technology can be emulated in software