::scr open sores

David Cantrell scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:28:52 +0000

On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 01:21:49PM +0000, Simon Batistoni wrote:
> On 14/01/02 12:42 +0000, simon wistow wrote:
> > * Linux. 
> > It's shit. It's not actually as good as BSD (ok, so it's getting there
> > but they don't even have a good, stable VM). As a server OS it's good,
> > I'll give it that. It seems to be gaining a niche in the embedded
> > market. But, as a Desktop? Purleeeease. 
> I use it all the time as a desktop.

And I use Solaris all the time as a desktop.  What's your point?  Just
because it can be used - and used very effectively - doesn't mean that
it's good.  I'd be happier using a Linux desktop, and I'm quite certain
that once it has more than three applications, I'll migrate to OS X as
my main desktop.

I don't actually think that the desktop matters, at least to me.  All
the interesting stuff happens on the server.

> > * Apache. 
> > It's actually pretty shit. Really. You can write your own HTTP server in
> > Perl which is faster. But it does have a huge extensible API. So Apache
> > 2 is better but if a commercial company to $long_time to release its
> > next version which wans't as shit everybody'd scream blue murder. It
> > just happens to be better than everything else out there. 
> Your point being? You're complaining that the best webserver
> produced by human endeavour (which is what you're saying it is)
> isn't good enough.

"Best" is misleading.  Apache may be the best at some things, but it sucks
donkey dick in others.  It does not scale to very high traffic at all well,
for instance.

> But here's where open source is great. You can quit moaning, and fix
> what you think's wrong.

Which is what we do at work.  However, not enough people do that.  Most -
myself included most of the time - download something and if it doesn't work
immediately, throw it away.

> > ...no decent window manager / display engine and not a single good
> > mail client.
> I'm using mutt. It's the best mail client I've ever used. There's
> nothing more that I could want from it. YMMV.

But like the author says, "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less."

David Cantrell | david@cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

May your blessings always outweigh your blotches!
    -- Dianne van Dulken,
       in alt.2eggs.sausage.beans.tomatoes.2toast.largetea.cheerslove