::scr open sores

John McDonnell scr@thegestalt.org
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 09:47:44 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, David Cantrell wrote:

> [Apache] does not scale to very high traffic at all well, for
> instance.

Hmm, odd that we use it then - both About.com and Freeservers.com use
clusters of Apache web servers on FreeBSD(About) and Linux(Freeservers)
with data stored on Net Apps.

I personally prefer the Open Source paradigm to the proprietary one
because I'm paranoid about certain things. Also, I find it too much of a
cop out to gripe about software without trying to fix it myself. With
proprietary stuff, all I can do s say "gneh, it doesn't work" whereas with
an open source project, I can (theoretically) get the source and trace the
problem (which I have done in the past) or STFU. Also, the release
intervals are usually smaller with open source stuff.

To each their own I spose.

 . johnmc@ | hyperattractive.net - +1-408-296-0697 (home) .
 . http:// | johnmc.org          - +1-408-386-3549 (cell) .