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Re: ::scr Proper software development processes

A few points:

1. Most CS degree courses don't go into software development
   practices. That would be "Software Engineering", which is
   usually regarded as a different (but related) discipline.

   CS theory per se is rarely relevant to industrial programming,
   excepting specialisms such as compiler design. 

2. Much of what has been written about development is really only
   pertinent to large hierarchical teams. (Part of the reason is
   presumably that it's a more difficult problem. If you simply
   have a small number of good programmers working together on
   a well-defined problem, it's much easier to make progress
   (unless there's a heinous clash of personalities within the

3. _The Mythical Man Month_ is still essential reading, IMHO.

4. Microsoft Press[1] have published some excellent practical books
   about software development. _Code Complete_ and _Software Project
   Survival Guide_ are both very good. The former focusses on the
   code itself, and the latter on broader aspects of the project.

Hope some of this is helpful. Is this the sort of thing you were


[1] yes, really