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Re: :x:scr Interface Evolution

Subject: Re: :x:scr Interface Evolution

But I left, you can't chase someone with this shit, it's not fair.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 09:59:49PM +0000, Paul Mison wrote:
> But yeah, by default, there are context menus on Crtl+Click, but as the
> boy Jones says, you can just hold and click. See that need for two
> mouse buttons go away.

And the need for two hands come in.  How can I idly surf for porn if I
have to use both my hands, tcha.

>                         (I don't know how Richard dealt with this in
> Linux when using a Mac laptop, but as Simon said, maybe he didn't need

I used the keyboard, pointing devices are for clumsily moving windows
about, at best.

Richard Clamp <richardc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>