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Re: ::scr Ramblings of a Classic Refugee or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love OS X

On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 08:04:06AM -0800, matt jones said:
> But am I doing the right thing? Is this not just head-in-the-sand
> behaviour? Should I be embracing the new UI and fitting myself to it
> instead of jumping through all these hoops in order to remain "living in
> the past"? Surely I'm rejecting progress?

One thought I did have about this was ...

The Apple Interface Guidelines were not only there to dictate what
Macintosh apps should look like, it was there to dictate what Macs
themselves look like so, that you could sit down at any Macintosh and it
would look the same.

By customising it you're taking away this albeit by increasing your own
productivity because it's more tailored to your needs. 

Is this  and or a good thing.

Also, c.f my other post in this thread about genetically improving
interfaces with respect to non consistent UIs.
