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Re: ::scr Ramblings of a Classic Refugee or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love OS X

On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 04:08:42PM +0000, simon wistow wrote:
> That idea was also part of the same brainstorming session that came up
> with my idea of associative file systems ... the OS realises that
> whenever you open index.html that you also open picture_of_me.jpg
> picture_of_my_cat.jpg and theme_from_star_wars.mid and associates them
> together in a folder. It doesn't delete them from more conventional
> heirachical file systems but provides another tool for helping you
> organise your data. Like the LifeStreams idea. Only less crap.

On my TODO list I have:

  * implement Xanadu properly

Once I do that, I expect Lifestreams[0], property based filesystems[1],
fully multivalent[2] and multiversion[3] documents and a decent view 
independant editor[4] to all drop out for free.

I expect it'll take me another decade to get it done, but expect a 
prototype sooner....


[0] but not crap
[1] hierarchies are crap
[2] single views are crap
[3] single version?  who ever wrote a document and never changed it? 
    - that's clearly crap 
[4] we love Emacs, but it's really quite crap