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Re: ::scr Ramblings of a Classic Refugee or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love OS X

On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 03:14:33PM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> God damn it! Every one steals my fucking ideas.
> That could have been me. I could HAVE BEEN A CONTENDER. Worshipped by
> millions and richer than Croesius.

Yes, some people may remember me having this wonderful idea of distributing
music from unsigned bands online using the wonderful mp2 format (no, that
isn't a typo).  That was in [thinks] 1995.  mp3.com started just over a
year after I tested the idea with a couple of friends' bands.  I actually
considered patenting the idea, but decided not to because it was too
obvious.  I was insufficiently cynical and believed that patent inspectors
would actually care about the bit about how patents should not be obvious
to anyone already conversant with the field.

> Somehow I feel strangely validated though.

m3 t00 d00d!

David Cantrell | david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  o/~ I want my SMTP o/~