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Re: ::scr Ramblings of a Classic Refugee or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love OS X

On Wednesday 06 February 2002 01:02, you wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 04:32:07PM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> > A common trap. You're forgetting that ASCII is a binary format, a
> > sequence of 7bit numbers which happen to map to lookup table which
> > describes how to draw that character.
> If you say that plain ol' ASCII is not special*, you have a bootstrapping
> problem.  If all files need to conform to a DTD-a-like, then the DTD-a-like
> needs to conform too, and so does whatever describes that, and ...
> At some point, you will need to say "enough!" and make arbitrary
> definitions.


> You may as well stick with tried-and-tested convention and
> make plain ol' ASCII special


Why just make ASCII special? Why not start with something a little higher 
level, like BER?

> * - or rather that nothing is special and that the whole system is
> self-describing

Difficult to do. Godel's incompleteness thereom and all that. The axioms have 
to come from somewhere...


                               Alaric B. Snell
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