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Re: ::scr Ramblings of a Classic Refugee or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love OS X

On Wednesday 06 February 2002 11:03, you wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 10:48:26AM +0000, Alaric Snell wrote:
> > Unicode, not ASCII. Never forget that. An XML processor is a complex
> > piece of software since it *must* operate at the Unicode level (even if
> > it's just mapping some ASCII variant to Unicode) to be able to process
> > valid XML documents, which may contain character references to Unicode,
> > or be encoded in UTF-8.
> Ooops!  Yes, of course, you're absolutely right.  No wait, you're _almost_
> right.  To be extremely pedantic, the XML spec defines:
>   A character is an atomic unit of text as specified by ISO/IEC 10646.

Ah, 10646 - you're right, sorry :-)


                               Alaric B. Snell
 http://www.alaric-snell.com/  http://RFC.net/  http://www.warhead.org.uk/
   Any sufficiently advanced technology can be emulated in software