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Re: ::scr Data integrity and why databases suck

"Simon Kinahan" <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>> Ah, that's a different issue. Those are semantic bugs, I'm talking
>> about consistency checking to prevent data corruption. SQL
>> databases do this, but with an annoyingly crude data model, and at
>> too low a level... they tell you when something's gone awry by
>> complaining, but it's usually much too late at the stage when the
>> data tries to hit the database; the original bug can still be
>> really hard to find.
> This is something that has been preying on my mind recently. My
> current job involves writing middleware tools that plug into
> database-backed systems either just above or just below an
> object-relational mapping layer. It seems to me that the currently
> fashionable model for server-side applications, where there's some
> kind of application server, written in an OO language (usually
> Java), which stores all its data in a relational database, is wrong.
> Data intergrity is a big part of the problem: each check gets done
> three times. Once as constraints on the database; once as "business
> logic", and once as verification checks on the client.
> On top of that, most of the vast and expensive apparatus built into
> relational databases in never used. Object-oriented tools that talk
> to databases make almost no use of the kind of complex, set based
> operations databases specialise in implementing
> efficiently. Instead, they spend their time inserting, updating and
> deleting single rows, and occasionally doing a multi-row
> "select". Your expensive BEA application server never even uses your
> even more expensive Oracle database to do a join.

Hmm... I've got complex objects that'd require joins. Almost anything
that maintains a list of objects will need it. But the *real* place
where you need complex joins and querying is at the reporting stage
where you don't necessarily know what sort of reports you'll want (and
anyway, writing code to help with 'particular' reports within your
application is a recipe for madness). I suppose one could (and should)
look at the logging/reporting systems as seperate from object
persistence. So long as your logs contain enough information to
identify the objects involved your reporting tool can fetch those
objects from your (presumably simpler) OODBMS.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?