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Re: ::scr saving

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 01:05:34PM +0000, Struan Donald said:
> The one good reason I can think of for having it is simple
> psychology. People feel happier doing something positive (i.e.
> clicking a big button that says save) rather than trusting that the
> computer will magically do the right thing.

Interestinginly enough the two people I was discussing this with (and
they're both on this list ;), are both big Mac Addicts and enthusiasts
of generaly useability type images with a good knowledge of the
psychology behind these thing. 

Their argument was that (in much the same way as the Mac only has one
mouse button because one mouse button is analogous to pointing but there
is no direct metaphor for right clicking - you don't point with your
index finger) when we write stuff on paper we don't save.

There are holes in this argument.

Personally I like the idea of a versioned file system. But that's just

: it's pretty hard to look miserable when you're spinning on your head