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Re: ::scr saving

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 01:30:37PM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> Personally I like the idea of a versioned file system. But that's just
> me.

Absolutely.  And one which allows you to maintain concurrent multiple 
versions (e.g. different views of the same underlying document content).

Get it right and you can throw away CVS for good!  Yay! :-)

If you haven't checked out Ted Nelson's Xanadu (e.g. in Literary Machines)
then you should do.  

He had most of this sorted out (conceptually at least) back in the 1960's.

Perhaps only now has processor speed and storage capacity increased to 
the point where a Xanadu-like document system is feasible.

"Implement Xanadu" is already on my TODO list but I can't remember if it's
above or below "Rewrite Emacs".  The two are almost certainly inter-related
anyway.  :-)

One of these days...