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Re: ::scr saving

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 08:28:14AM -0600, Chris Devers said:
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Andy Wardley wrote:
> ...know how the autosave feature on Microsoft Word works? Apparently it
> does some kind of a diff & appends any detected changes onto the end of
> the file, rather than making changes in place, because this ends up being
> a bit more efficient in terms of disc accesses, and on slow hardware that
> Word was written for this was a big deal. 

Isn't that the quick save feature rather than the Autosave feature?
> This helps explain why .doc files are almost always ridiculously bloated,
> and why it's such a terrible format for distributing any kind of sensitive
> information that needs to be purged in some way. Apparently there have
> been cases where e.g. government/military/corporate documents have been
> released in edited form as .doc files, and supposedly excised material was
> still there for those that knew how to find it.

Really, really embarassing and you're Microsoft.


: it's pretty hard to look miserable when you're spinning on your head