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Re: ::scr saving

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Paul Mison wrote:

> Those of you who've seen me enough in real life will know I talk about
> the Two Great Lost OSes of the 90s now. One's BeOS, and the reason for
> that has come up in the last thread or so.

Didja see this?

Press release:

Legal filing:

First they allow the company to get scuttled & have the carcass swallowed
whole by Palm, and *then* they file suit against Microsoft. Bastards. It's
like they allowed the company to be driven into the dirt just to prove the
point that MS would rather have them driven into the dirt.  :(

Chris Devers

"Okay, Gene... so, -1 x -1 should equal what?" "A South American!"    
[....] "no human can understand the Timecube" and Gene responded
 without missing a beat "Yeah.  I'm not human."