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Re: ::scr Drooling GUI

> From: Chris Heathcote <chris.list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Would a chef, trying to type up a menu, or cost it on a spreadsheet, want to
> go through metaphors of markets, a dining table etc.?

You're right, they likely wouldn't want a full kitchen inside a computer.
But they might be more comfortable with a 'bookshelf' for the things you've
mentioned. A set of 'cupboards' for different objects that they use. A
'Fridge' to store things. And, they just might want a 'Window' or 'Doorway'
to go through to go check their email.

IA people spend a lot of time on the names and labels of things when
designing an information product. It couldn't hurt to have a system that at
least linguistically reflected the world people exist in.

Here's a good example,

"Excuse me while I open my phone to scroll a conversation."

As you can see, at the bare minimum we need different languages for
different environments. I'm just saying that the files and folders don't
really suit gardening applications, or even mobile operating systems.
