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Re: ::scr Drooling GUI

On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, David Cantrell wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 12:08:07PM +0000, Clifton Evans wrote:
> > You're right, they likely wouldn't want a full kitchen inside a computer.
> > But they might be more comfortable with a 'bookshelf' for the things you've
> > mentioned. A set of 'cupboards' for different objects that they use. A
> > 'Fridge' to store things. And, they just might want a 'Window' or 'Doorway'
> > to go through to go check their email.
> You are describing Microsoft Bob.  It failed because it got in the way of
> users rather than helping them like what was intended.

That & the famed "the first $n implementations won't get it right" effect. 
It's not such a bad idea, but it's a lot to ask of a 386 with 2 mb of ram.
Potentially, it would have come out better had it been written for the
hardware available today. 
> Again, why try to dress the computer up as something it isn't? 

Because most people find ...10100101110101100111010... terribly confusing?

Everything after that is a metaphor...


Chris Devers                           chdevers@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/