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Re: ::scr Drooling GUI

On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 05:24:04AM -0800, celia romaniuk wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, David Cantrell wrote:
> >     It's my experience that neither users nor customers can articulate
> >     what it is they want, nor can they evaluate it when they see it
> >         -- Alan Cooper
> That's a classic example of how phrases out of context are misleading. 

I don't think it's at all misleading.  I know that I sure as hell can't
easily articulate what I want from an interface, and I can't evaluate an
interface just by looking at it.

> Taken on face value, this means 'don't bother talking to people either
> before or after you design'.

No, it means "don't rely solely on talking to the customer".

And whilst we're on the subject of interface design - oh good sigmonster

David Cantrell | Benevolent Dictator | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla.
      -- Seneca Philosophus, Epistulae