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Re: ::scr Dressing up the computer

> I'm thinking wearable.

Come to think of it, there doesn't seem to have been a great deal
of work done on user interfaces for wearables. Most of the people
who are into wearables at the moment are "CS geeks who just want to
be plugged in all the time" [0] and who don't mind looking like
the gargoyles from "Snow Crash" or care about whether the interface
they use is suitable for general consumption - and why should they?
So they "simply" hack together whatever they can find, probably
in rather ingenious ways. This seems ingenious, for instance:


The only UI development for wearables I could find (admittedly
with a fairly quick-and-dirty search) comes from MIT


and Essex:


And neither of these are complete operating systems on their own.
Maybe that is unnecessary. But it would on the other hand be nice
if you could configure your wearable on the move (might be tricky
if it's based on Linux, but who knows).

- Arvid

[0] http://digitalpilgrim.com/personal/wearable.html