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Re: ::scr Dressing up the computer

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 06:44:39PM +0100, Arvid Gidhagen said:
> What about Adobe's Display PostScript? I couldn't find any
> information about how its "device-independentness" works in
> detail, and it seems to have died a quiet death since none
> of the documents are newer than the mid-1990s, so perhaps
> it wasn't such a great idea.

It's morphed into Display PDF ... which is used in OSX. [0]

Which is what I find confusing - since PS/PDF is a vector based surely
you should be able to resize it to whatever you want a la Flash.

I like running things full scrren at insanely high resolutions
(1900x1600 on a crappy Russian 19" monitor which eventually blew up)
because I need the screen territory. I like to have things maximised but
possibly with some documentation or debug window along side.

Vector based graphics output would therefore rock my world since I could
just have everything shrunk and it should Just Work [tm] an not become a
blurred mass. Plus, theoretically, it should be faster since you're
slinging vectors around rather than bitmaps (which would also allow for
better network independance - Networked Display Terminals on thin
Clients would be very eminently doable)

It's just that nobody seems to do that. What advantages does display PDF
confer to the user? I haven't seen one yet but, to be honest I haven't
used OSX for long.

I'm now dreamily imagining apps being neatly scaled along side each
other, the contents shrinking proportionately and crystal clear ... an
entire desktop from another computer being played out in minature in an
icon on my desktop ... an ...

erm, yes, where was I?

Oh yes, going nowhere.

: fast, cheap and out of control