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Re: ::scr IA Goldrush (was Ramblings of a Classic Refugee)

Simon Batistoni wrote:

I *can* see it happening. There have been a lot of rumblings for a while now
on various of the tech and online news/opinion sites about new interfaces,
and removing the dying desktop metaphor. This list is positively bursting
with it, and in the programmer circles in which I move, the idea of creating
new and interesting interfaces to our machines has been a slow-burning but
deeply infectious meme.

Sorry to once again come on all Cassandra-like, but these rumblings are still just rumblings. Which OS is actually making any kind of break from tradition? Sure l33t programmers and hobbyists might tinker with new paradigms but the average user is just going to stick with what they've been given. I think the IA Goldrush (if (a) there is to be one and (b) it's not just agencies dressing up the latest design fads with impressive-sounding computery jargon) will not be about the desktop but rather about servicey-type apps. I don't like it but Watson seems to point the way things might go.


Added to which there's the so-imminent-maybe-
it's-already-happened launch of FlashMX, remarketroided as an application development suite (and allegedly they've 'fixed' the back button 'problem').

I'd wager that the traditional browser will be dead before the desktop.

As for new interfaces for new devices, I think Palm have done an incredible job (ta Celia for that link to the Zen of Palmistry) and that people will be hard pressed to revolutionise it rather than just steadily improve it (as to why, well just read the Zen piece[0]). Here I think the issue is, if we get things like this (http://www.sony.co.jp/sd/products/Consumer/PEG/PEG-
NR70V/style.html) over here anytime soon, how many people are going to even need let alone want desktop machines?

Anyhow from (g)rumblings back to the original ramblings...

<of no interest whatsoever to non-Maccers>
Despite spending more and more time at the command line in MacOSX, I've recently been fiddling with MaxMenus <http://www.maxmenus.com>. Springloadedness and Fitts Law to the, er, max. Puts the 4 corners of your desktop to good use plus you can hotkey any menu to appear right where your mouse is. It's (dare I say it) FinderPop for OSX. Except that it's $29.95.

[0] For lazy people who still haven't read it and are too lazy to find Celia's original post