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Re: ::scr IA Goldrush (was Ramblings of a Classic Refugee)

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Alex Robinson wrote:

> Simon Batistoni wrote:
> Added to which there's the so-imminent-maybe-it's-already-happened
> launch of FlashMX, remarketroided as an application development suite
> (and allegedly they've 'fixed' the back button 'problem').

But the back button issue was always simply emblematic of the real issue:
that it has always been impossible to apply Flash in such a way that it
blends in seamlessly with tbe browser. You always feel like you're sitting
in the little Flash sandbox, contained in but distinct from the browser.
An obvious side effect was the broken back button, but cut & paste was
also broken, normal right-click contextual menus were also broken. Have
they finally gotten Flash to blend in cleanly? If not then it still
hasn't been fixed yet -- which would be too bad, because if it *did* just
Blend In, then all my objections to Flash would dissolve at a stroke.

> I'd wager that the traditional browser will be dead before the desktop.

Interesting bet. I think they're both getting pretty solidly entrenched,
but you might be right if for no other reason than all the hype that "web
services" is getting. If the programmers are all babbline about new system
level interfaces, the money men all seem to be on the web services train,
and where the money goes, so must go the programmers, right?

Chris Devers

"Okay, Gene... so, -1 x -1 should equal what?" "A South American!"    
[....] "no human can understand the Timecube" and Gene responded
 without missing a beat "Yeah.  I'm not human."