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::scr clue

Yet another vague rambling post with a mildly misleading subject line 

Memes - doncha just love 'em. 

This started off as something about memes and viral marketing.
(void)-lings will already have been subjected to this :

       | +--- http://www.noxious.com/symbols.htm
       | |
       | |
       | +--- http://www.doebbe.com/domo-kun/

(via Kuro5hin) which shows the evolution of a ameme. As Mr Batistoni
pointed out - expect Domo-Kun tshirts pretty soon. All your merchandise 
are belong to us to paraphrase that last great craze, the so called
Verboten Meme. [0] Also expect to be getting this again in about 2 weeks
time, then in two months time, then in 6 months time and then ....

The evil-in-human-form (I ought to know, I worked for an Adverti$ing
company for 3 years) over at uk.net-marketing would give their right
mandibles to be able to make memes at will. But they can't. They've
tried. Hell, I can't and I'd guess that with the amount of mailing lists
I'm on I've got as much chance as anybody. Occasionally one works - the
Burning Rubber man or whoever he was last year was done by a marketing
company IIRC but failed miserably since it FAILED TO ADVERTISE ANYTHING.

But then I couldn't think of anything interesting to say until I got
this ...


A satirical site, lampooning IBM and praising Sun. It's funny, in a
geeky kind of way although a bit childish. The weird thing about it is
that according to the DNS records ...

 Sun Microsystems, Inc. (BIGBLUESMOKE2-DOM)
 901 San Antonio Road
 Palo Alto, CA 94303
This is basically the Cluetrain Manifesto's wet dream, the only thing
better would be if Sun's board of directors personally went round and
gave a handjob or a back rub to any potential customer and then mowed
their lawn and did the washing up before letting themselves quietly out,
dusting as they went.

So, cynical marketing corruption of this earth thing we call 'humour' or
Respek [tm] worthy, canny, vindictively bitter move by the Sun boys?
Answers on a post code to the usual mail server.

I've punted it to the Cluetrain list as well. The difference (or
similarities) in opinions should be interesting. 


[0] Yes, I know that this use of Meme isn't what Richard Dawkins
originally had in mind. That's an entirely seperate argument.  

: i'm satisfied ... yet still strangely outraged.