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Re: ::scr IA Goldrush (was Ramblings of a Classic Refugee)

On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 11:19:19AM -0600, Chris Devers wrote:
> But the back button issue was always simply emblematic of the real issue:
> that it has always been impossible to apply Flash in such a way that it
> blends in seamlessly with tbe browser. You always feel like you're sitting
> in the little Flash sandbox, contained in but distinct from the browser.
> An obvious side effect was the broken back button, but cut & paste was
> also broken, normal right-click contextual menus were also broken.

Add to that the impossibility of bookmarking, difficulty printing, potential
for DoSing the client, unavailability on most platforms ...

>                                                                     Have
> they finally gotten Flash to blend in cleanly? If not then it still
> hasn't been fixed yet -- which would be too bad, because if it *did* just
> Blend In, then all my objections to Flash would dissolve at a stroke.

I don't have any objections to Flash itself right now*, just to the idiots
who misuse it.  They won't stop being a problem even if Macromedia fixes
all of the above.  And, of course, Flash will still not be accessible to
plenty of people and will still be an over-complex way of achieving simple

* - let's ignore the disgusting file format :-)

Grand Inquisitor Reverend David Cantrell | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

   It doesn't matter to me if someone else's computer is faster because
   I know my system could smash theirs flat if it fell over on it.
        -- (with apologies to Brian Chase)