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Re: memes (was Re: ::scr clue)

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 15:56, you wrote:
> > perhaps the harnessing of meme energy would form a powerful aid in the
> > fight for good against evil, but i don't know.
> The basic SI unit of meme size is the "All Your Base Are Belong To Us".

A former roommate of mine and I lay awake one night, dropping off to sleep, 
and decided that the disparity in sizes of bags of chips from different chip 
shops was a pain because you could never know if you wanted a 'large' or not 
without having seen the actual dimensions of each type.

Our solution was thus: there should be a platinum bag of chips stored in a 
vault in Switzerland, defining the ISO Standard Regular Portion of Fried 
Thick-Cut Potato Chips, and the 'large' portion defined as the same thing but 
one point five times as heavy. The standard text would define acceptable 
variations in the masses and shapes of the individual chips, and the tradeoff 
between a few large chips and lots of small chips.

> Martin


                               Alaric B. Snell
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