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Re: memes (was Re: ::scr clue)

> i dont know how deeply embedded an idea has to be to become a meme. one
> could argue that the brain's strategies for face recognition are a very
> powerful, leaky meme, but is that too complex an object?

I think that the normal definition of a meme is any idea at all.  However I
don't think face recognition could be a meme as it not communicable and is
mostly an inate ability of the brain more derived from genetics and
experience rather than learning from another

Skills clearly can be memes when they are taught by the master to the

> perhaps the harnessing of meme energy would form a powerful aid in the
> fight for good against evil, but i don't know.
Neal Stephenson's book Snow Crash has an Aids like meme (which makes you
more suceptible to more memes) used as a tool of evil.  (Somewhat
implausibly I might add)