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RE: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

> On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 11:00:42AM +0100, Dan Argent wrote:
> > But how is that type of brain structure achieved? Is your 
> brain fully formed
> > when you are born?
> > How much is nature, how much is nurture...?
> > 
> > And then, even if twenty thousand people who solve that 
> problem have a
> > simmilar (since it 
> > could never be the same) brain structure, there could be 
> someone with an
> > entirely different brain
> > who can also solve that problem, in a different way.
> This is my hypothetical case, so I can answer your questions by
> deciding the answers. It's achieved in the womb and 
> determined entirely
> genetically. It can't be acquired after birth. Furthermore, studies
> of information theory and biology have shown that to solve this
> problem, a certain type of representation is required, and this
> representation can only be achieved in the brain by the structure
> in question.
> Michael

That's a big caveat to expect me to swallow.......