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Re: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 11:00:42AM +0100, Dan Argent wrote:
> But how is that type of brain structure achieved? Is your brain fully formed
> when you are born?
> How much is nature, how much is nurture...?
> And then, even if twenty thousand people who solve that problem have a
> simmilar (since it 
> could never be the same) brain structure, there could be someone with an
> entirely different brain
> who can also solve that problem, in a different way.

This is my hypothetical case, so I can answer your questions by
deciding the answers. It's achieved in the womb and determined entirely
genetically. It can't be acquired after birth. Furthermore, studies
of information theory and biology have shown that to solve this
problem, a certain type of representation is required, and this
representation can only be achieved in the brain by the structure
in question.
