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RE: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

>> >
>> > Once again, you have limited yourself.  I don't know if someone told
>> > you this was true, or you deduced it for yourself.
>> > By all means be good at what you do, but don't think that you are
>> > limited in your choice of what to be good at.
>> Dou you believe that anyone can be fundamentally better at
>> any thing than
>> anyone else so that if both people put their all into a
>> particular area
>> there will never be one who comes out on top?
> There would be a winner..... so carry on the line of questoning.. I
> want to see where we go.

taking the rather good example of Olympic shelf reaching, this is clearly
going to be dominated by height.  Many studies have shown that a persons
height is determined both by genetics and my nutrition.  A persons genes
determine a range of possible heights while nutrition determines where in
this range they will fall (or stand).

So should ther person who has a genetic defect making him unable to produce
growth homone go in for the sport of shelf lifting, spending all his time
on a rack and lifting heavy bags of flour from high cupboards or should he
go in for limbo dancing.  Preperations for the two could certainly be
mutually exclusive