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Re: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

>>> I think we decided that the aim was to reach high without your feet
>>> reaching the ground, but even so you a special skil which alows you
>>> to do this better than other people
> Who's this 'we' white man. I specified the field.

Sorry for stealing your idea and pretending it was a group effort
is that a genetic predisposition? Or you could have made the money

> Except for all the ones that don't have the freaky webbed arms and
> therefore plummet to their deaths on the rocks below. Only a very
> small fraction of such lizards will have the genetically predetermined
> capability of flight.

the ones who have this usefull ability are the ones who are going to be
best of trying to escape from predators by leaping from cliffs.  We as
conscious entities are able to judge with a fair degree of accuracy our
sttrengths and weaknesses and if were blessed with wings we would know that
parachuteless skydiving is a sport we could excell at
>>> If there is no inheritable difference in ability and potential then
>>> it is impossible for any evolution to occur and the only
>>> explanation for the diversity we see around us is a creator god
>> pah. Why invoke god?
> Because if evolution doesn't work then some kind of god is the only
> other explanation for the observed diversity of our surroundings.

and evolution only works if creatures are born with inherent differences
which affect what they can and cant achieve.