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Re: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

Dan Argent <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tom Forwood [mailto:tom@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: 09 April 2002 16:29
>> To: scr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: RE: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks
>> >
>> > Is the choice between a) God / Evolution determing your future
>> > or b) Yourself determing your future so hard?
>> What I am trying to argue is that not everyone has the same
>> potential in every area, some, no-matter how hard they try and
>> no-matter what they believe just wont ever mamke it in some areas.
>> The areas that you will be able to excel in are determined by your
>> enviroment and your genetics.  What you choos to do from there is
>> of course your choice.
> why so negative?

Er... where's the negativity? 


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    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
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