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Re: ::scr Re: doesn't have the morlocks

Dan Argent <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> > Except for all the ones that don't have the freaky webbed arms
>> > and therefore plummet to their deaths on the rocks below. Only a
>> > very small fraction of such lizards will have the genetically
>> > predetermined capability of flight.
>> the ones who have this usefull ability are the ones who are going
>> to be best of trying to escape from predators by leaping from
>> cliffs.  We as conscious entities are able to judge with a fair
>> degree of accuracy our sttrengths and weaknesses and if were
>> blessed with wings we would know that parachuteless skydiving is a
>> sport we could excell at
> And as a "conscious entity, you may make the wrong choice and not
> even try, or be discouraged by early failure.  Then you get eaten,
> as opposed to flying off. (or whatever happens to humans)

And the ones who are not so limited survive to breed. Et viola,
evolution happens.

>> >>> If there is no inheritable difference in ability and potential
>> >>> then it is impossible for any evolution to occur and the only
>> >>> explanation for the diversity we see around us is a creator god
>> >>
>> >> pah. Why invoke god?
>> >
>> > Because if evolution doesn't work then some kind of god is the
>> > only other explanation for the observed diversity of our
>> > surroundings.
>> and evolution only works if creatures are born with inherent
>> differences which affect what they can and cant achieve.
> Evolution as applied to animals is no longer applicable to humanity.

Proof please. You may use both sides of the paper.


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    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
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