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Re: ::scr What porn sites don't want you to know..

On the BBC news website earlier this week they were running an article
about the Nigerian cash spam where some governmental body that deals with
fraud estimated that every day in London there are three americans sitting
in hotel lobbies waiting to be handed large bundles of cash fresh from

At the bottom of the page was an area where readers could leave their own
comments.  Lots of people were saying that the best thing you could do was
to try and string them along a bit and waste their time.  I nearly added a
comment to say that it was the worst thing to do as it mearly confirms
that your email address is read and makes it more valuable to sell on. 
howwever I realised that in this case it was in my interest that these
people I had never met tie up time of the spammers sifting through their
replies looking for people who are genuinly gullible enough to send them
the cash, making the process less profitable for them.
