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Re: ::scr What porn sites don't want you to know..

On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 01:57:00PM +0100, David Turner wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 05:22:36AM -0700, jonah wrote:
> > alt.binaries
> > -> www
> > -> mosaic / graphical web browsers
> > -> faster modems
> > -> mpeg / quicktime
> > -> broadband
> > -> "Pronography drives technology" - discuss.
> There was a series about this on tv.  Presumably Channel Four.  I've
> forgotten the details.

Yep, it does.  Back in Ye Olde Days when the interweb was new and exciting,
I worked for EMAP Consumer Magazines, launching lots of their mags online.
Stuff like FHM, Q, Select etc.  We wouldn't have known what it was possible
to do without company-paid-for subscriptions to porn sites.

David Cantrell    |    Degenerate    |    http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

If you save all your money for three years, you'll be able to afford this
new computer.  If, however, you blow all your money on poker, booze and
loose women - you'll still be able to afford it in three years.
                                                      -- anon, on Usenet