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Re: ::scr Discounted Tobacco

On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 10:07:45AM +0100, Tom Forwood said:
> Would it help if you made this list a closed list so that only email
> addresses subscribed to the list can post to it?  Over the last few days
> the majority of my spam seems to be coming through this list

Lucky you. I get more than two pieces of spam an hour.

The list was closed until ig ot fed up of approving people's mail when
they sent it from the wrong address. Since then (some many months ago)
we've had three pieces of spam - one about a 'digital drug', one about
looking younger and this one about smoking.

Unfortunately this actually leaves us with a very high spam to posting

I've turned on subscribers only posting and we'll see how it goes.
