Re: [] Untrendy fish

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Untrendy fish
Date: 09:55 on 09 Jul 2003
On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 08:54:06PM +0100, David Cantrell said:
> I haven't had kedgeree for a long time, and I think coley would be just 
> fine for it.  Anyone got a recipe?

Funnily enough I'm just reading Elizabeth David's book of unpublished 
articles and recipes "Is there a nutmeg in the house" and there was just 
a recipe for kedgeree. It's not how I've cooked it before but ...

"Cut a medium sized smoked haddock in 6 slices, put in a deep dish, pour 
over sufficent boiling water to cover completely, cover the dish and 
leave for 10 minutes. Then drain off the water and flake the fish, 
removing all the skin and bone. Boil 200-250g (7-8oz) of rice in a large 
amount of boiling slated water for 10 minutes and strain.

In the top half of a double boiler melt a lump of butter. Add a slicved 
onion, previously fried, a teacupful of raisins soaked in water, and the 
haddock. Into the rice stire either a little grated ginger or a teaspoon 
of tumeric. Pile the rice lightly on top of the fish, add 2 tablespoons 
of melted butter, put a folded teacloth over then the lid of the pan and 
steam until the rice is tender, about 30 miuntes. Turn out on to a hot 
dish so that the fish raisins and onions come out on top and decorate 
with hard boiled eggs. Serve with halves of lemon and chutney"


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