Kedgeree [Was: Re: [] Untrendy fish]

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Kedgeree [Was: Re: [] Untrendy fish]
Date: 15:06 on 05 Aug 2003
On Tue 08 Jul 2003, David Cantrell <> wrote:
> I haven't had kedgeree for a long time, and I think coley would be just 
> fine for it.  Anyone got a recipe?

This is reminding me that I used to have a very nice recipe for
khichri - a lentil and rice dish that I believe is the origin of
kedgeree.  You started off by shallow-frying split lentils in oil, and
so in the final result they kept their shape and the overall result
was very yummy.  I've no idea where the recipe went though.  I could
just make a recipe up but I was wondering if anyone had one that they
can recommend.


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