[london.food] london.crafts

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] london.crafts
Date: 11:58 on 25 Jul 2003
First of all, yes this is mostly off-topic.  Non-food-related replies to
me offlist, please.

Second of all, it's all Sarah's fault:

I want to start something like a cross between a sewing circle and a
mailing list for vaguely techy people in and near London who like
knitting/crocheting/sewing/embroidery/etc.  I'm going to start it off
by inviting people to come to my house from 2pm on Sunday 10 August.
We'll eat tasty snacks, show each other what we've been making, and
chat a little (not too much) about how we'd like to organise the
group.  Email kake@xxxxx.xx for address details.  And please publicise
this event wherever you see fit - your livejournal perhaps, if you have one.

Bring some crafty things that you've been working on, or some materials
that you plan to do something nice with, or a pattern you want to try
out, or just some ideas.  I'll be showing anyone interested how to
crochet stuff out of carrier bags, so feel free to empty your cupboards
and bring along those plastic bags that you save and then never use.

ObFood: What snacks shall I serve?  I'll probably do some veggie sushi
rolls, at least.  Maybe some delicious baked goods too.


Generated at 10:45 on 03 Jan 2004 by mariachi 0.41