[london.food] Mushroom ketchup

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Mushroom ketchup
Date: 23:05 on 27 Jul 2003
I've been testing out a recipe for my essay - The History of Ketchup.
(I note in passing that nobody has handed in their homework yet.)

Here's the original of the recipe I used:

I took 500g of chestnut mushrooms, pureed them in a blender, mixed
them with 1 1/2 Tbsp of salt, and left them in the fridge for three
days, stirring at least once a day.  Then I put them in a pan with 1/2
tsp mixed spice and 1/4 pint port, and simmered it for 5 minutes, then
pushed through a sieve and bottled.

The last time I made this, it started going very black very quickly,
and that didn't happen this time, so I added more salt and it started
happening.  Before I added the extra salt, the flavour was very strongly
mushroomy, but afterwards the dominant flavour was salt.  I expect
that it's quite hard to get the balance right with such a small quantity.

The blackness is most apparent on the very top of the mixture.  I
wonder if the reaction needs oxygen?  (I dropped chemistry before
GCSE.)  Anyone know?

Anyhow, it's made and it tastes good.  I used some of it this evening
(see separate post).  I have two jars of it now, one of which I will
give away to the first person to email me and ask for it.


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