Re: [] Bacon grease

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Bacon grease
Date: 10:12 on 14 Aug 2003
On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 09:58:13AM +0100, Martin Frost wrote:

>If you're not going to use it the same day, then pour it off into
>a cup while it's still hot, leave it to cool and keep it in the
>fridge. You may prefer to sieve it to remove any bits, though
>they will also help to add flavour.

Hmm. My experience of fat with bits of any sort in it is that it looks
good on top but goes mouldy underneath the surface, so one sticks in a
knife and gets an 'orrible decayed-meat smell. Fat skimmed off the top
of stock will keep for _ages_, though.


There's stuff above here

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