Re: [] Bacon grease

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Bacon grease
Date: 09:58 on 14 Aug 2003
Kate L Pugh wrote:

> I've been doing bacon in a ridged pan on top of the stove.  I prefer
> back bacon, but Richard and Mark have a freezer stash of streaky.
> I've noticed that the streaky bacon gives off quite a lot of fat and
> was wondering if there's any way of using this to flavour other stuff.
> I mean, it comes out of bacon; it must have flavour, right?  Any hints?

Well, the easiest way is just to substitute it for some of the fat
in a recipe. If a recipe calls for frying, for example, then it's
very easy to use bacon grease rather than oil. You'll probably
want to lower or omit the salt you might otherwise have added.

This works very well for things like bubble and squeak, where it
lends the whole dish a subtle bacony flavour. (Actually, my
favourite for bubble and squeak is sausage grease, but that's
a different story.)

If you're not going to use it the same day, then pour it off into
a cup while it's still hot, leave it to cool and keep it in the
fridge. You may prefer to sieve it to remove any bits, though
they will also help to add flavour.


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