Re: [] Cooking bacon in advance

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From: Chris Heathcote
Subject: Re: [] Cooking bacon in advance
Date: 20:16 on 18 Aug 2003
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 08:09  pm, Martin Frost wrote:

> The Benjy's sandwich place near my office appears to do their hot
> bacon sandwiches by having a stack of pre-cooked rashers which
> they reheat in their big flat sandwich toaster before putting them
> in the bread. They do eggs and all sorts of things in the toaster...

Think of it as a flat griddle a la Little Chef. I used to do Benjy's 
torpedos, but I realise now that the bread probably cost more than the 

> Pre-fried bacon should reheat reasonably well in the microwave,
> I'd expect, though I haven't tried this myself.

Most caffs round Oxford Circus do that (Lido Cafe win the best bacon 
sandwich award, but lose for their miserly *1* sausage in a sausage 
sandwich) - and it can be very good. Not sure about the time difference 


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