Re: [] Cooking bacon in advance

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Cooking bacon in advance
Date: 20:09 on 18 Aug 2003
Kate L Pugh wrote:

> Say I cooked some bacon tonight, to put in a croissant to take for
> breakfast tomorrow, would it still taste nice at 7am tomorrow?

It depends whether you want it hot or not. If you're going to reheat
it tomorrow then it's probably not worth cooking it the night before.
If you plan on having a cold bacon croissant tomorrow, then go ahead
and it will taste fine. I would actually put the bacon in the croissant
tonight, as that way the bacon grease^Wjuices can seep into the
croissant while still liquid.

The question remaining is whether you keep it in the fridge overnight,
which is more a question of balancing pleasantness of eating experience
against risk of food poisoning. ;)

> I hear you can do it in the microwave.
> Would it be better to wait and just zap a slice for 30 seconds
> tomorrow morning?

I've never tried bacon in the microwave. I imagine it would be highly
dependent on the quality of the bacon. With high-quality dry cured
bacon it's probably OK, but with supermarket soggy bacon you'd
just get a puddle of white scum.

The Benjy's sandwich place near my office appears to do their hot
bacon sandwiches by having a stack of pre-cooked rashers which
they reheat in their big flat sandwich toaster before putting them
in the bread. They do eggs and all sorts of things in the toaster...

Pre-fried bacon should reheat reasonably well in the microwave,
I'd expect, though I haven't tried this myself.


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